These Jacks are

By Melissa Grant
The small but lively Jack Russell terrier is officially the most popular pooch in the shire and Mrs Forster wouldn’t trade her purebreds Millie, 9, and Jack, 12, for any other sort.
“They are really faithful, very loyal and they’re easy to train,” the Pakenham resident said.
There are 10,862 registered dogs in the Cardinia Shire including 1015 Jack Russells.
Labradors and border collies are the next most popular breeds with 896 and 633, respectively, running around in backyards across the municipality.
Mrs Forster, a Jack Russell breeder, said it was hardly surprising that Cardinia Shire residents were opting for the small but sturdy breed.
“Originally we were on a farm and we’ve come into the township and, to me, in a built-up area you’re better off with a smaller dog,” she said.
“Larger dogs need more space.”
Jack Russells have always been a big part of the Forster family. Mrs Forster and husband Norm have been breeding them for more than 20 years and their son Brad, 27, and daughter Sharee, 30, have taken on their own since leaving the family abode.
“When the kids were growing up their friends used to come around here and they used to love them,” Mrs Forster said.
She said the breed had a good temperament and was good with both young children and the elderly.
“I have a lot of nieces and nephews who have been through a stage where they have been scared of dogs in general. With a little dog it gives them confidence,” Mrs Forster said.
“I work at a nursing home and when our dogs have pups I’ll take them in.”
While some big breeds are among the top 10 most popular dogs in Cardinia – including labradors, golden retrievers and German shepherds – Mrs Forster said she had never longed for a large pooch.
“I’ve had miniature foxies and Jack Russells, I’ve always had small dogs,” she said.
“I’ve never had time for bigger dogs.”