Getting more online

KOOWEERUP residents will have better access to the internet thanks to a State Government grant.
Kooweerup Regional Health Service’s Kooweer-up Men’s Shed program was recently given a $7500 boost as part of the ‘Public Internet Access’ program (PIAP).
Eastern Victoria MP Johan Scheffer said the health service received the maximum grant under the program which provides for between 10 and 20 hours of free internet access to the public every week for the next two years.
“The Brumby Government is taking action to ensure all Victorians have access to technology and by providing this PIAP grant to the Kooweerup Men’s Shed we are helping more people get connected and develop internet knowledge and skills,” Mr Scheffer said.
“People use the internet for a range of different things, from banking to research, chatting to shopping, and staying in touch with friends and family.
The PIAP grants are part of the State Government’s $9 million ‘Connecting Communities: The Second Wave’ strategy, a four year commitment to help more people access the internet.
Vicnet, a department of the State Library of Victoria, provides support and assistance to organisations funded through the PIAP.
About $2 million in PIAP grants have been given to over 300 community organisations since 2005.
For more information on PIAP grants visit