Tractor blaze

Above: The fire started from a tractor.Above: The fire started from a tractor.

FIREFIGHTERS took five hours to contain a grass fire sparked by a tractor in Pakenham South last week.
A new tractor caught alight and the fire quickly spread to paddocks and drain banks between Five Mile, Hall and McDonalds Drain roads.
Lisa Hicks, CFA Brigade Administration Support Officer for Cardinia Central, said a herd of cows was in grave danger until a helicopter dumped a load of water onto the blaze.
Pakenham South resident Maria Siegel described the fire, and the conditions, as “scary”.
“With the wind blowing backwards and forwards we put our stuff in the car,” she said.
Kooweerup CFA second lieutenant Michael Huxtable said about 20 CFA appliances – from across Cardinia – attended the blaze, which started about 4.30pm.