DEVELOPMENT in Cardinia is about to boom, but will slow in Casey.
Growth Areas Authority chief executive Peter Seamer said Casey had been the fastest growing municipality for the last 10 to 15 years but there was little land left for developers to snap up – unlike neighbouring Cardinia.
“Cardinia has a lot of land for development and over the next few years you will see that presumably rapidly move ahead,” he said.
Mr Seamer said the GAA was working with Cardinia Shire Council on the Officer and Cardinia Road structure plans.
He said the council was looking to establish first-rate communities.
“The council is keen do to something well and do it a bit different,” Mr Seamer said.
He said the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) was unlikely to extend beyond Cardinia’s growth corridor anytime soon.
In Casey, the UGB is set to expand with 5,500 hectares from Cranbourne East to Clyde being considered for inclusion.
Mr Seamer said the State Government considered proximity to transport, water quality and native vegetation issues when deciding what areas to include in the UGB.
The GAA is a statutory authority which aims to improve planning and infrastructure coordination in the five growth areas: Casey-Cardinia, Hume, Melton-Caroline Springs, Whittlesea and Wyndham.