Run out of puff? Join up now

SMOKERS wanting to kick the habit are invited to take part in a Quit Fresh Start course.
The program, starting this month, aims to give smokers who want to quit extra motivation.
Occupational therapist and Quit educator Pamela Wouters said the course was a particularly good option for smokers who might have tried to quit before and who felt they needed a bit of extra help.
The course has been developed by Quit, and is offered in venues such as community health centres.
It runs over a period of four weeks, with two sessions held on Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 7pm each week.
The course provides smokers with information and strategies to help them quit for good, using videos, discussion and practical exercises.
Ms Wouters says an important part of the Fresh Start course was helping participants with strategies to cope in situations where once they would have smoked, and looking at strategies for dealing with withdrawal.
The Quit Fresh Start course will be held at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House, 21a Bermysyde Drive, Berwick, starting on Monday 20 April and costs $100 or $80 for pension card holders.
For inquiries or to enrol, call Pamela Wouters 0409 232 220 or email