THE Lakeside Pakenham Community Bendigo Bank’s steering committee is only weeks away from securing a feasibility study.
The committee hosted a cocktail night last month to celebrate reaching $500,000 in pledges – and more were made on the night.
The night was an open invitation to those who had pledged and those who were interested in hearing more about the bank and its progress.
About 90 pledgees joined members of the steering committee, staff from the Pakenham Bendigo Bank Branch and Cardinia Shire mayor Bill Pearson.
Steering committee chairman David Impey thanked everyone who attended.
“We received 18 pledges on the night which is a great effort from the local community,” he said.
“Each and every person there on the night is 100 per cent keen and committed to getting this off the ground and thanks to them we are one step closer.”
The pledge total sits at more than $600,000, nearing the $750,000 target.
Pledge co-ordinator Deb Abbott said: “We are looking for 250 pledges and currently have over 200, so time is running out for those who want to pledge and be part of this great initiative.”
The committee is aiming to have 250 pledges by 27 April.
The steering committee will have a stall at Yakkerboo this Sunday for those who want to put in a last-minute pledge.
Staff from the Bendigo Bank and steering committee members will be on hand to answer any questions.
For details about the project: David Impey on 0402 631 116 or Bernie Wilson on 0418 389 213, or visit