Volunteers take centre stage for a week

A GALLERY of volunteers will be on show this week to celebrate the contribution of people who give up their time to local organisations.
The gallery of volunteers is a collection of photos by Pakenham-based photographer Hilton Stone featuring a cross-section of volunteers in Cardinia Shire.
Cardinia Shire mayor Bill Pearson said it celebrated every-day people, who had made an extraordinary contribution to the community.
“I think it just may inspire some people to become volunteers,” he said.
Cardinia Shire Council is supported by thousands of volunteers from 539 active volunteer organisations – from football to firefighting.
“This exhibition can only show a select few of the many wonderful volunteers on whom our community relies, but it is hoped it will stand as a testament to all those who give freely and graciously of their time and energy to better our local community and the lives of others,” Councillor Pearson said.
Residents can view the exhibition at the Cardinia Cultural Centre, Lakeside Drive. Patrons are encouraged to contact the centre on 1300 887 624 before their visit to ensure the gallery room is available for viewing.
Cardinia Shire Council in conjunction with the Volunteering in Cardinia Shire project is also mailing an information kit to local not-profit organisations during National Volunteer Week.
The kit includes information about the online volunteer database, local volunteer network and subsidised volunteer training.