Delfin’s eight green weeks

By Bridget Cook
On Monday, five members of staff kicked off their participation in a State Government initiative, the Greenhouse Games, and last week signed up to the Gazette’s Green Army.
The program will run over the next eight weeks, with each member required to make changes within their own homes to earn points for their Pakenham office team.
They were each required to complete a survey on their energy consumption, and were then given a personalised action plan to reduce their greenhouse emissions, water consumption and waste production. Actions attract points related to their greenhouse gas savings.
A quick, online progress report will be completed each week, giving them the opportunity to win prizes along the way.
Some of the actions included in the Green House Games are keeping showers to less than four minutes, turning off appliances at the switch when not being used, composting food and plant scraps, leaving the car at home where possible and recycling household waste.
While this is their newest initiative, it is just one of the many measures adopted by the Lakeside office to promote environmental sustainability.
The encouragement of water wise landscaping is a key focus, with the distribution of information kits to new residents and an annual garden competition and awards.
Lakeside’s newest village, Devonia Park, will have a third water pipe installed for recycled water. The new display village, planned for Caversham Waters, will also boast a six star energy rating.
Pakenham Lakeside project manager Sharon Coates said she believes it is a corporate responsibly to promote environmental sustainability as they can have such a large impact.
“I think that people are more conscience about the environment and it’s more in the forefront, but I don’t think people necessarily know how to take action to help improve the environment,” Ms Coates said.
“That is our key focus, to get people to take action.”