JUST a little warning if you plan to bag a trout or two out of season.
Gippsland fisheries officers have warned you could be caught, because they work out of season.
Fisheries Victoria senior Fisheries officer Errol Parmigiani said there was an active and varying roster throughout the region and officers would be looking for anyone who threatened the sustainability of fishing in Victoria.
“Most people understand the need for closed seasons for some species and for confining their catches to legal bag and size limits,” he said.
“We also spend a lot of time explaining the need for regulations and teaching people the benefits of obeying the laws.
“But sometimes we meet short-sighted and selfish people,” he said.
Fisheries Victoria is stocking fish across the state, in lakes and impoundments but large sections of most major rivers are closed to give the fish a chance to spawn.
My view is that it is fair play to give these fish and genuine anglers a fair chance.