Seniors set for next AGM

BERWICK Senior Citizens meeting on 10 July was well attended, and preparations were completed for the annual general meeting to be held next week.
It is good to know that all the office vacancies have been filled – they are president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and seven members of the committee. Any further nominations can still be made before the annual general meeting.
At the meeting, the only reported sick person was Audrey Appleyard, which was unfortunate because the only happy birthday for the week was for Audrey Appleyard! We send her our best wishes.
The door prizes were won by Hilda Boening and Stan Clayton. Elizabeth Sturgeon won the meat tray, with Beryl Newman winning the voucher.
At the bingo competition that followed, Wilma James created history by taking the prize three times. The other prize winners were Nora Todd, Isobel Jaeger-Glover, David Clark, Monica Miller, Lorna Bird, Jack Smith and Elsie Smith.
We look forward to you attending the AGM next week – it is quite important.
Any inquiries can be directed to Lorna Bird at 9707 2618.