New camera snaps drivers

A NEW speed camera site on Racecourse Road, Pakenham has clocked 289 speedsters in just 19 days.
And Sergeant Nigel Atkins has warned police will introduce more safety camera sites across the shire if drivers continue to ignore designated speed limits. “It’s disheartening to see there’s a degree of people out there that don’t care less,” he said. “If it means to put in more speed camera sites, then so be it.”
From July 1 to midnight 19 July, police booked 289 drivers for speeding offences on Racecourse Road, including 19 exceeding the 60km/h limit by more than 25km/h.
The new mobile safety camera site is one of four in the township of Pakenham. There are another eight on the Pakenham Bypass.
Sgt Atkins hoped drivers would soon heed the safe driving message, rather than flouting the road rules. “It would be good to get to the day where you can start commending drivers for motor safety instead of chastising them through the newspapers,” he said.