SEVENTEEN bold, bright and dynamic banners will soon be raised in Pakenham’s retail heartland.
The banners, unveiled at last Wednesday’s Pakenham Business Group meeting, will replace the current ochre coloured ones that were designed in October 2005.
The catchcry on the banners will also change from ‘More than a village’ to ‘Live, shop, enjoy’.
The new banners were designed by local graphic designer Kerry Holland in conjunction with the PBG.
They will be attached to the decorative light poles in Main Street, between John St and Station St at a cost of $4,500.
PBG president Michael Porter was happy with the final product.
“The design is bright and cheery and the slogan, ‘Live, shop, enjoy” is a good one for Pakenham, encouraging people to do just that,” he said.
Cardinia Shire spokesman Paul Dunlop said the banners were due to be replaced.
“Cardinia Shire is committed to creating local employment and business opportunities, so sees the banners as part of its efforts to promote Pakenham as a significant regional retail destination,” he said.