Local shopping a gift to all

Right: Pakenham and Berwick residents enjoy shopping locally for Christmas.Right: Pakenham and Berwick residents enjoy shopping locally for Christmas.

WITH still a few days left before Christmas Pakenham and Berwick shoppers are encouraged to help support local businesses by doing their Christmas shopping locally.
Member for Eastern Victoria Region Edward O’Donohue said that by shopping locally people would be helping small business and employment opportunities during the summer holidays.
“Small businesses, which are often the economic and social backbone of the community, need our support and that is why all of us can shop locally and help keep the local economy strong,” he said.
“If Pakenham and Berwick residents can shop in Pakenham and Berwick these holidays and avoid heading into Fountain Gate or Chadstone to do their Christmas shopping then the local community will be the real winner.”
He said whether buying at the local butcher, going to a restaurant for a meal or simply doing grocery shopping locally would help local jobs and local families.