Kooweerup briefs

CARDINIA Shire CEO Gary McQuillan will meet with local members of the new Liberal Government to discuss the implementation of the pledges made by them during the lead-up to the recent election campaign.
The pledges for Kooweerup included a $7 million upgrade for the Kooweerup Secondary College; $50 million for the first stage of the Kooweerup Bypass and $150,000 for a feasibility study looking into the viability of a mains gas supply for the town.

Traffic lights

COUNCILLOR Stuart Halligan reported to the Kooweerup Township Committee that the recently installed traffic lights at the junction of Rossiter Road and Station Street were working well.
“Traffic is flowing smoothly at the junction although there is now a regular build-up of traffic in Sybella Avenue at its connection with Rossiter Road,” he said.