Vote is no joke- Graeme Moore, president of the Yakkerboo festival, has announced he will stand for Bill Pearson’s Bunyip Ward seat. 43831

By Jade Lawton
HE’S Mr Yakkerboo’s best mate and a nominee for Cardinia Shire’s Citizen of the Year.
And 2011 could see Graeme Moore add another feather to his cap – councillor.
Mr Moore has confirmed he will stand in the upcoming by-election for Bill Pearson’s Bunyip Ward seat after Cr Pearson resigned from the council last month.
It is not the first time he has given the council a go.
Mr Moore, who turns 60 this year, came a respectable second to Cr Pearson when he ran against him five years ago.
“I am running for office to continue Bill Pearson’s wonderful work,” he said.
“At the time it suited me (for Bill to win). I like Bill, I like his ideas. I’ve supported him as much as I could in the Nar Nar Goon region and kept a bit of contact with him.
“I made up my mind in the last few days. I’ve got a wonderful family that support what I do.”
Mr Moore has lived in Nar Nar Goon North, where he runs a welding business, for 26 years. But the father of three is best known for his community work.
He has been president of the Yakkerboo festival for about a decade, is a member of the Rotary Club of Pakenham, a trustee on the PB Ronald Memorial Trust, and is a member of the Pakenham Show Centenary Committee.
Mr Moore is also known as Cardinia Shire’s resident clown, and volunteers his clown services at various community events.
“A lot of people collect stamps or whatever, but my hobby is the community,” Mr Moore said. “I just think I’ve got something to give.”
Mr Moore said he had no political leanings and would act as an independent councillor.
His only opposition so far is fellow Rotarian Kate Lempriere, a former councillor who is attempting to break back in to the exclusively male chamber.
“I know Kate well, we are good friends and I would support Kate and I think she would support me,” Mr Moore said.
He said his campaign would be limited at best.
“People will know me from what I’ve done, what I can do, and they will know my heart is in the right place,” he said.