Christmas spirit

CARDINIA’S Community Christmas was a resounding success, with about 70 people enjoying a free festive lunch with all the trimmings.
Organiser Susan Johns said the lunch was organised so that nobody would be alone on Christmas Day.
“There are many people who do not have family or are alone on this special day,” she said.
About 14 volunteers assisted in running the event and several local businesses chipped in with donations or reductions on goods.
Ms Johns said a smaller than expected turn-out meant that those at the lunch got to take home extra food and bags of fruit and vegetables.
“I am pleased to say that no food was wasted and we have some presents and a lot of Christmas paper for next year.”
Ms Johns thanked the businesses and volunteers for their assistance and Pakenham Senior Citizens for allowing the use of their hall.
“I feel confident due to the feedback I received on the day and following (that) people will flock (to the event) next year as it was an absolutely fantastic day,” she said.