Costly silence

RATEPAYERS in Cardina Shire need to know more about the planned new shire offices for which they will ultimately be picking up the tab.
Repeated requests for some information about the relocation of shire headquarters have met with silence from administrative sources and, as we know, our councillors, like the proverbial three wise monkeys, are sworn to secrecy by a strict code of conduct, so there is no in point asking them.
However, news gets about, rumours circulate and as the story now goes, a deal was cut with a high profile developer well before the end of 2010 for a new Cardinia Shire Council office complex.
Its where-abouts remains publicly unknown and I now express serious concern about the total lack of transparency and community consultation on this council relocation project which is relevant for every ratepayer in the shire.
Come to think of it, ‘confidentiality’ and lack of transparency has gradually been resurfacing in a council we believed had recognised its obligations to the community and to ratepayers who pay the bills, including salary packages and wages.
If everything is clean and above board, why the need to revive this culture of arrogance and secrecy a la 2002/05?
Gloria O’Connor,
Cardinia Ratepayers and Residents Association.