Chick flick has a heart and a head

If She Who Must Be Obeyed is looking to drag you along to a chick flick, this would be the best option going around at the moment.
Rachel McAdams steals the show as a recently unemployed TV producer who brings her bright, shiny, perky American can-do attitude to a failing, fourth-placed morning TV show.
Harrison Ford is the perfect foil as the elder statesman journalist, a role that reflects his real-life veteran acting status.
McAdams needs him to fix the ailing program, but he has an aversion to the “fluff” of morning TV. The scene is set for a battle royal, compulsive viewing for anyone concerned about the general devolution of news (count me in).
Ford brings weapons grade old man grumpiness to the film. In these stakes, he’s second only to the master – squinty ole Clint Eastwood himself.
Very pleasingly, both of the major players in this rom-com find their love interests elsewhere – so we’re not forced to suspend disbelief as the craggy Ford smooches up to McLovely.
A dessicated Diane Keaton adds to the mix as Ford’s co-anchor, and shows that there’s life in the old girl yet. It’s a chick flick with a heart, and will engage your brain more than the average “fluff”.
– Jason Beck