Destructive floods, fires

THE uncontrollable weather and ancient land have combined to create a destructive force. The result of such intensity and concentration of extreme climate has given us mere mortals the tragedy of death and destruction beyond our control.
The heartbreaking loss of life, families, homes, memorabilia, businesses, infrastructure at all levels, is almost beyond my comprehension.
All our resilience, fighting spirit and resources we are known for and celebrate have been called on in early 2011 and I feel sure I speak for all Members of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association, Victoria.
Experiencing total multi media coverage of the disastrous floods in Queensland and elsewhere and now a big flood threat in Victoria, leave each of us exposed as never before because we are with the families, the people like ourselves who are experiencing the worst time in their lives and we are totally involved and absorbed, immersed in everything that happens, in a surreal way. Life and death and survival is in our homes through the eyes and ears of people like ourselves.
I feel their pain, horror, anguish and sorrow at a very personal level as I am sure all ALGWA members in Victoria and throughout Australia experience this unwelcome reality. Recently, we witnessed the coverage and faced the destructive force of the fires and loss of lives and homes in the bushfires in Victoria. We now witness flood and fire in W.A.
The people of country NSW, Tasmania and Victoria are experiencing the destructive force of major floodwaters. Victorians just like ourselves see their homes and possessions inundated or swept away, with the knowledge that our flooded rivers continue to rise not just here but in other states!
Television reports say we have received the greatest rainfall dump in Victoria’s history. None of us will forget 2010-11 in a hurry. Unfortunately, we have yet to face the rapid vegetation undergrowth that rain and heat produce and I hope not another major bushfire threatens lives in late summer! Our Victorian councils and government will need to be vigilant and proactive.
It will be a long and difficult journey for so many men, women and children during the recovery period. It will leave permanent scars even though no one can question the commitment, dedication and determination of all people inside and outside local, state and federal governments and those in opposition.
ALGWA through local government is involved in many areas and acknowledges that all the agencies are working round the clock and will continue to work tirelessly to lessen the profound effect and impact on families, communities and their concerns for the future.
I ask all ALGWA members to continue to assist in the best way they know. I have heard many councils are offering practical expertise intra and interstate, however I urge you to contact MAV or VLGA for guidance.
On behalf of all ALGWA Victoria members, our hearts, minds and thoughts are with every person struggling to come to terms with personal loss, confusion and hidden fears during this series of disastrous flooding and in some cases bushfire destruction and devastation.
Kate Lempriere,
President ALGWA Victoria
Former councillor and
mayor Cardinia Shire.