From the heart

By Nicole Cohen
WHEN most children were thinking of what they wanted for Christmas, some children were thinking only of what they could give to others.
Eight young children forewent their Kris Kringle, to donate to Queensland flood relief.
The kind-hearted youngsters, from Berwick and Upper Beaconsfield are between the ages of eight and 14.
And to make the story even more touching, two of the donors face their own health challenges.
Parents, Jo, Michelle and Julie asked their kids if they could do without presents and told them they could decide where the money went. Nine-year-old Lavinia has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and her 11-year-old friend Lauren was born with a hole in her heart.
“We all said the floods because we felt lucky it wasn’t us,” said Lavinia.
Jo Martin, mother of Lavinia and Kaela said the kids could have easily donated to the Heart Foundation or the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation, but they made their own choice.
“I wanted to give my clothes as well,” said Lauren.
The families plan to continue to donate to a different charity each year.
“Hopefully, this will show other young kids that giving is also just as good as receiving,” said Jo.