Keep it cool in the heat

THE hottest part of summer is on the way and residents are encouraged to stay cool and hydrated. Cardinia Shire Council mayor George Blenkhorn says it is important that people take care of themselves and prepare their homes for the rising temperatures.
Residents are being warned by the council that temperatures are rising and this hot weather will cause heat exhaustion.
“Please watch out for elderly or frail neighbours, relatives and friends as the worst of summer approaches.” he said.
Make sure you keep out of the sun in the hottest part of the day, between 11am and 5pm, preferably in an air-conditioned environment.
All families should be aware of ways to keep the family cool this summer, make sure your children drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated and avoid alcohol or caffeine drinks that can increase dehydration.
Cr Blenkhorn says parents should never leave children or animals in an unattended car. The temperature inside a closed car can soar to over 50 degrees within minutes causing serious illness or even death.
Just a warning to families to keep as cool as possible by wearing light, loose, comfortable clothing, a hat and sunscreen and avoid outdoor exercise or strenuous physical activity, especially in the middle of the day.
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