Desperate residents look to increase police powers to end the …

SICK and tired of “filthy black marks” along residential Pakenham streets, both residents and police say they are at their wits’ end.
Countless numbers of residents have expressed their annoyance of hoons driving up and down their streets, in new residential estates as well as older parts of Pakenham.
Hoon behaviour reported to the Gazette includes speeding, unsafe driving, fishtailing and burnouts as well as individuals yelling, screaming and causing a ruckus at all hours of the night.
Esther Smith said she was sick and tired of hoons driving up James Street every night, yelling and swearing.
“It’s when people are trying to sleep,” she said.
“Since the police have moved from the street it has become more like a racetrack.
“I feel particularly for the elderly people who live in the street.”
Amanda Hansch said hoons along the Parkway and Laurina Link in Lakeside until all hours of the morning were driving her insane.
“There will be an accident,” she said.
“If you must drive like an idiot do it in a safe place like a racetrack, not our local roads where children, families and the elderly live.”
Tayna Dries agreed.
“I am so tired of Union Avenue being used as a racetrack too,” she said.
“We’ve had some cars nearly losing control coming down the hill.”
Cardinia Highway Patrol’s Sergeant Nigel Atkins said he as well as other police in the area were sick and tired of the “senseless act” of hooning.
“Hooning is a senseless act by senseless, irresponsible people,” Sgt Atkins said.
“They can only be classed as ‘filthy rats of the road’ or foolish peanuts.”
He said police received complaints daily, by phone, email and through Crime Stoppers regarding the antisocial behaviour.
“Hoons will face tougher penalties from 1 July this year, as we will have a much bigger weapon against these small brained individuals,” Sgt Atkins said.
“Their cars will be impounded for a 14-day period, instead of the present 48 hours.”
Sgt Atkins called on the community to be vigilant against such antisocial behaviour and use modern technology available, including video cameras to record the movements of “these morons” so police can bring them to justice.
“The courts will ensure they lose their vehicles and become pedestrians for a lengthy time.”
Residents should contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report hooning in their area.

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