Dire need for feed appeal

FLOOD waters may be moving towards the Murray River, but the devastation left behind is still being dealt with.
The Lions Clubs in the Gippsland and Mornington Peninsula District have received a request for assistance from Lions Clubs in a neighbouring district in northern Victoria.
The message from the north of the state said “the flood itself is unrelenting and the wall of water was 40km wide and a metre in height a week ago and still has not reached the Murray in some places.” “It has now spread to at least 100km in width and has travelled a large distance with some 70 towns and villages affected.
“Another big problem is dairy herds which have contaminated stock feed and DPI has asked farmers not to feed wet and rotting fodder to stock.
“Some herds cannot be moved due to road closures but fodder can be moved to them and this is happening on more than one front.”
Without assistance, hay supplies will run out within two weeks. But local Lions members are determined to do their bit for those hit by the floods.
A fodder drive is being organised to try and get some much needed cattle feed to northern areas.
Anyone who would like to donate fodder, are able to supply transport, or even donate to help cover costs, are asked to contact the Lions Club’s ‘Need for Feed’ co-ordinator Graham Cockerell on 5944 4111 or mobile 0419 744 664.
Fuel rebates are available for transport operators.
The ‘Need for Feed’ was established in response to the 2006/07 Gippsland bushfires.