Group’s 20, no May-bes

THE Pakenham Arthritis Self-Help Group had a break in December to give all time to deal with the Christmas chores.
January has been a time for more planning for the 20th anniversary celebrations, to be held on Friday 6 May.
Most of the arrangements are under way, but the search for past members, particular people who used to participate in exercise classes in the old Pakenham pool, continues.
If anyone would like to attend the celebrations – or knows of the whereabouts of past members – contact Lynette McCullough on 5940 0893 or Anne Dunn on 5941 3623.
There is a long list of birthdays in January. These include Henry Van Diemen, Estelle Marsden, Carol Batt, Tony Jamsek, Barbara Hall, Des Dore, Dorothy Roberts, Allan Chatfield, Christine Smith, Joan Gye, Monica McKenzie, Rose Kealy, Elaine Werner, Katrina Roob, Vincenza Failla, Allison McKane, Ken Tomlin, Penny Rissinich and Frank Deken.
Eric and Mary Daffy, Ken and Rose Kealy, Jim and Lyn Oliver, Dave and Liz Roberts and Franz and Margaret Steiner celebrate wedding anniversaries.
The group holds warm water exercises at the Cardinia Life Pool on Tuesday and Thursdays at 8.30am and Fridays at 2.30pm – except during the school holidays. Friday sessions re-commence this week.
There are also Tai Chi and chair exercise sessions available. For details, contact Anne on 5941 3623 or Lynette on 5940 0893.