Dark on this one

IT’S always sad when a good idea falls down.
And it’s even sadder if you’re extorted out of $24(!) in the process. That’s the tragedy of science fiction effort, The Darkest Hour 3D.
Cue the usual alien invasion, but there are a couple of twists. Firstly, the aliens hit Moscow. Secondly, they’re invisible.
Sadly, the producers soon prove it’s pretty hard to be scared of things you can’t see.
Admittedly, the little girl down the row did pipe up with “Mummy, I’m scared” at one point, but she was about five.
In a devastated Moscow, with most of the residents turned to ash, a couple of computer geeks and their eye candy fight for survival. Will they win? Who cares?
Emile Hirsch is OK, as is Rachael Taylor.
Spoiler alert: Don’t get too attached to key characters. The director isn’t choosy about who he bumps off.
Turns out the aliens are either an electricity-based life form, or they use some sort of electrical force field. When finally revealed, they look a bit like a very angry, metallic octopus. Nothing too ground-breaking there.
In summary, the setting is poor, the 3D gimmicky, the acting is average, and the ideas are mostly boring. Wait for video for this one.
And if monsters are your thing, have a look at “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”. – Jason Beck