Handicap smashed

ROY Patching provided the highlight round at Garfield Golf Club over the last week coming in with a fabulous 50 points off his 33 handicap in Thursday’s Stableford Event.
Patching will tee-off his next round with a 31 handicap after his great round which overshadowed some other great scores. Pakenham visitor David Robinson (18) was runner-up with 40 points while down the line balls went to Lawrence Begg (27) and Trevor Shingler (30) on 38 points with Tony Elliott (15), Brian Tindall (13) and John Scale all putting a new rock in their bag with 37 points.
Nearest the pins went to C.Bowers (4th), R.Patching (8th), N.Name (9th), D.Mouser (11th), T.Bernie (14th) and T.Webster on the 16th.


Once again a great field took to the course for the relaxed atmosphere of twilight golf and it was Dianne Norton who came out victorious with 23 points to win on a count back from Mick Matthews who also won the nearest the pin.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:SATURDAY

Garfield won its second straight Garfield-Devil Bend Challenge on Saturday scoring 553 points to 537 in a close run affair. The Garfield ladies also triumphed, winning by 27 points with a score of 140 to 113. Thanks to players from both clubs who made it a special day.
Saturday’s overflow event was Stableford with Shane Male (3) taking out A Grade with 38 points, Greg Noonan (19) B Grade with 44 points and Nick Gale (36) C Grade with 43 points.
Down the line balls went to B.Spencer (DB) 40, J.Payrow and C.Hunter 39, J.Grant 38, T.Franklin, D.McNamara and H.Huyskens 37, J.Wilson (DB), C.Bell and T.Garratt 36 with B.Lidstone and G.Warren having 35 points.
Nearest the pins went to C.Davis (4th), G.Vandenessen (8th), H.Huyskens (9th), R.Duncan (11th), D.Baxter (11th) and G.Warren (DB) on the 16th. Closest second shots went to B.Spencer (DB) (5th) and Shane Male on the seventh while Steve Kohut had an eagle on the 17th. Olga Pearson won the ladies with 37 points from Christine Wagstaff on 36.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:LADIES

The ladies Summer Cup comes to its conclusion this Tuesday with the playing of the 10th and final round. Winners so far have been 1-Maree Rogers, 2-Olga Pearson, 3-Vikki Templeton, 4-Liz Harrison, 5-Lyn Vears, 6-No Comp, 7-Maree Rogers, 8-Maree Rogers and week 9 was Lyn Knight.


The junior boys played at Morwell GC for pennant this week going down to Warragul. Peter Van Derhorst was the only one to record a win and Wade Hayson finished with a tie on the 18th. Well done to all the boys that played.