Gas bottle explodes in face

A PAKENHAM man suffered burns to his arms and face when a gas bottle exploded during an Australia Day barbecue.
Advanced life support and intensive care paramedics were called to the incident on Thursday 26 January just before 12.30pm, and found the 58-year-old man soothing his burns in a cool shower.
Paramedic Jo Algie said it was unclear why the bottle exploded.
“He told us that he was leaning over the top of a nine kilogram gas bottle when, for some reason, it exploded,” she said.
“He had about eight per cent superficial burns to his arms, and face including his eyelids.
“Obviously, he was in a severe amount of pain and because of the burns he was having difficulty moving his arms.”
Ms Algie said the man was incredibly lucky not to have suffered more serious burns or other injuries.
“With blasts like this, there is a potential for your airway to be burnt, after breathing in flames,” she said.
“Burns to your airway can swell and put your life at risk, so we had to carefully examine the man’s mouth and look for any signs that his airway could be affected. Thankfully, his airway was fine.”
Burns gel was applied to the man’s skin and he was taken to Dandenong Hospital in a stable condition.