The accent’s on a surefire hit

Australian Open
Channel 7
Two weeks straight from 16 January
THE AUSTRALIAN Open has to be one of the best international sporting events held in Melbourne.
The players love coming here, the spectators love watching the game and it dominates metropolitan papers for the two weeks it’s on.
The tennis has been amazing, purely showcasing the sport.
Channel 7’s coverage of the tennis this year was first class, with the added bonus of at least one Australian headlining the night matches for the first week.
But why do we have to have American and British commentators that welcome and interview the players on court after the match.
Don’t get me wrong, JimCourier isn’t a bad commentator, but if someone overseas was flipping the channel it wouldn’t be surprising if they thought they were watching the US Open.
Give Pat Rafter a go, or someone other than UK tennis “star” SamSmith, who has never won a major in her life.
I’m all for diversity, but when it comes to an international sporting event, why do we have to push aside our own talent to make way for those less successful than our own.
– Melissa Meehan