Shaving Amy

By Melissa Meehan
AMY Quinn Tatt doesn’t know anyone who has been touched by cancer, but has heard about it enough to know that a cure is needed.
This year she will shave her head for the Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave in a hope that she can help make a difference.
“This is my second year taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave,” Amy said.
“Last year I coloured my hair, but this time I am shaving it all off.
“I’m lucky enough to not know anyone who has been touched by the disease, but it’s a good cause.”
Amy from Pakenham hopes to raise as much as she can before shaving her long locks on March 17 for the cause.
“I plan to shave it all off on March 17, but I’m still looking for someone to do it – for a donation of course,” she said.
If you want to sponsor Amy go to and search for Mad-Heroes.