Police presence

Sergeant Kevin Illes, former sergeant Clarrie McInnes who served from 1956 to 1977, former sergeant Barry Jupp who served from 1989-99, Acting Assistant Commisioner Derek Lamb, current Senior Sergeant Steve Lewis, former police officer Colin Goodrem, who served from 1988-1989, and Bob Bayley who served as sergeant in 1987-1988.Sergeant Kevin Illes, former sergeant Clarrie McInnes who served from 1956 to 1977, former sergeant Barry Jupp who served from 1989-99, Acting Assistant Commisioner Derek Lamb, current Senior Sergeant Steve Lewis, former police officer Colin Goodrem, who served from 1988-1989, and Bob Bayley who served as sergeant in 1987-1988.

THE $1.65 million police station in Kooweerup was officially opened by Deputy Premier and Minister of Police, Peter Ryan, last week.
Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius joined the Deputy Premier at the opening of the town’s station on Thursday afternoon.
Mr Ryan said the new station was a valuable investment for the state government.
“The new station includes an entrance foyer, reception counter, watch house, mess room, interview room, holding room and a lock-up garage,” he said.
He said the station, which became operational in October, was staffed for 16 hours a day and was home to one sergeant and four senior constables.
The station replaces a smaller bungalow on the same site and is set to provide extra police presence in the outer south-east.
“The station also incorporates sustainable features, such as rain-water tanks, a solar energy system, and a drought tolerant garden design, all of which will help reduce running costs,” Mr Ryan said.
The Coalition Government is recruiting 1700 extra frontline police by 2014.
“By 30 June this year, 850 additional police will be allocated across Victoria, including additional resources in the Southern Metropolitan Region,” Mr Ryan said.