Unwanted surprise

IT WAS her first adventure overseas, a celebration for her 21st birthday – but happy times soon changed when Pakenham resident Jemma Clarke and her friend Nicole Egerton found out they couldn’t get home.
Jemma’s mum Tracey spoke to the Gazette on Thursday when the news broke.
“I only found out when I woke up this morning to a message from Jemma on my husband’s phone to contact her via Skype,” she said.
“Then she called and we knew something was wrong.”
Mrs Clarke then got on the internet to find out what was happening and saw the news that Air Australia had gone into receivership. She then waited until 9am and called her daughter’s travel agent.
At this stage they are supposed to come home Friday, but nothing is set in concrete.
“She (Jemma) was stressed about it but now she’s OK,” Tracey said.
“It’s her first overseas holiday, and she’s about to turn 21 so it was her present to herself.”