Strike rolls on

THE dispute between nurses and the State Government has been going for months, and an agreement looks unlikely any time soon.
Last week, the nurses union ANF, started stop work action at a number of hospitals around the state, and since then the Baillieu Government has applied for an urgent Federal Court hearing to seek Orders from the Federal Court, on the basis of alleged breaches of the Fair Work Australia ‘stop’ Order issued last week.
The Orders are sought in an attempt to force ANF Members to end their industrial action.
On Monday at DandenongHospital, 31 nurses left the hospital at 8am.
This caused the cancellation of eight surgical patients in total, including five orthopaedic and plastic surgery patients’ surgeries, two eye surgery patients, and one patient requiring vascular surgery.
The Casey Hospital is yet to take part in the stop work action, but is expected to begin in coming days.
This week, the Gazette spoke to local nurses about why they supported the stop work action and why it was so important to keep nurse to patient ratios.