Getting younger

By Lilly O’Gorman
THE results are in, and Cardinia Shire is looking more youthful than ever.
According to results from the 2011 census released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) last week, the average age of a Cardinia Shire resident is 34, dropping one year since the last census data was released in 2006.
Of the 74,176 residents in the shire, census results show there are about 770 more women than men.
Families occupy 79 per cent of households and the average number of children per family is two.
Nearly 77 per cent of Cardinia Shire residents own their own home, which is almost 10 per cent higher than the national average.
The average monthly mortgage repayment is $1733, only a few dollars cheaper than the national average, and the average renter in Cardinia Shire is paying only $5 less than the average Australian at $280 a week. This figure is up $100 since the last census was conducted in 2006, an increase which is largely consistent with rent rises experienced by the state and the nation.
All this is paid for with the median weekly household income of $1303.
The 2011 Census of Population and Housing was conducted on 9 August, 2011. It was Australia’s 16th national Census, and marked 100 years of national Census taking in Australia.
Victorian Census Director, Sam Thomas, said the release of 2011 Census data is a big day for the state.
“This data will help shape the future of Victoria over the next five years,” Mr Thomas said.
“Census data is used to help determine the allocation of GST funding to our state, and to plan vital services and infrastructure for the people of Victoria. This includes things such as hospitals and health services, schools and public transport.”