Not much change here

Tony Spring was re-elected president of Casey Rotary for 2012, with Trevor Fry. 83777Tony Spring was re-elected president of Casey Rotary for 2012, with Trevor Fry. 83777

By Bridget Scott
THE Casey Rotary changeover was quite different from any other of its type, in that there was very little change.
President of Casey Rotary, Trevor Fry has taken on the responsibility of the presidency once again, with one small change to his board.
Trevor Westland, former treasurer of Casey Rotary has stepped down in order to make way for the 2012-’13 treasurer, Robyn Tabone.
Despite the occasion being named ‘Rotary changeover’ the new treasurer was the only change.
Trevor Fry spoke of his anticipation for the year ahead and the pride he has for the club that is unique.
“I am proud to be part of a club that is different, but is achieving,” he said.
The Rotary Club of Casey was established in 2011, and in its establishment, a model was designed which would see Casey Rotary aim to do what many before it had not attempted.
Casey Rotary has aimed to create a club which is attractive to not only the older generation but to younger members as well; through encouraging a club that is both cost and time efficient.
“Yes we have gone outside the square a little, but this has been recognised, commented on and some clubs are following our direction in a small way,” Trevor said.
The re-elected 2012 president said he has been asked to attend different clubs and explain the Casey model so others can replicate it.
In a push for the younger generation to be involved in organisations such as Rotary, Casey Rotary is leading the way for others to follow and attract a different crowd to their meetings.
All members involved in Casey Rotary are excited about the forthcoming change.
As well as focusing on the upcoming plans for the club, Trevor Fry also made mention to the recent achievements of the Casey Rotary Club in his president’s report.
“I am sure you shall agree we have done particularly well leading up to our charter and in the weeks since,” he said.
We have also just approved a membership drive for our 2012-’13 year, and have developed relationships with other clubs in our area.”
He spoke about their determination to continue ‘distinguishing’ their club, and listed a number of projects, such as ‘Muna’, which the Rotary Club looks forward to seeing through.
Trevor welcomed the newest members of Rotary, including Alf Reina who Trevor feels will be an ideal candidate to help initiatives like Muna to be a success.
With a new year, new faces and new ideas, Casey Rotary club and its members are all excited about the year ahead, which they hope will see their club grow even more.