Fine wine time

THE FATE of Pakenham’s only wine and cocktail bar has been sealed.
On Monday night, Cardinia Shire councillors voted unanimously to support an alternative motion to extend Vixen Vine wine bar’s hours from 12pm to 11pm every day, as well as allowing up to 70 people in the venue at one time.
Owner Julie Fuller sat in the gallery and was emotional when the decision was made as she clasped her hands together to thank the councillors.
Cr Stuart Halligan put forward an alternative motion at the meeting with the support of Cr Collin Ross. Council officers recommended the wine bar’s patronage be capped at 40 but councillors disagreed and voted to amend the permit.
“The premises is a wine bar in Lakeside which has been operating for over six months,” Cr Halligan said.
“It is unblemished, a fantastic spot for older people.”
One objection – from the Pakenham police – was received to the application to amend the planning permit.
The initial permit allowed the wine bar to operate from Monday to Saturday 5pm-11pm and on Sunday from 5pm-10.30pm.
Cr Halligan said that the police were happy with the increased number of patrons but objected to plans to extend the opening hours to 1am. He said the police had concerns about how the 1am close would affect residents in neighbouring Lakeside properties.
“They were happy to support the 12pm-11pm opening hours, which falls in line with the surrounding restaurants,” he said.
At the meeting, councillors agreed that the decision would help bolster the business community in Lakeside.
Cr Halligan said it was council’s role to give the wine bar assistance and help other businesses in the area to thrive.
“We don’t want to see them shut down and we wouldn’t want any decision (at council) to affect other businesses who reap the benefits from this business being open,” he said.
Some councillors expressed concerns about the application’s impact on parking in Lakeside.
Cr Ross said the application presented a “dilemma” for him.
“I am a strong advocate for expansion of car parks outside allowable ratios but this is a different application from many others,” he said.
“In Beaconsfield, residents swarm to car parks and in the Pakenham CBD, parking is a premium.
“But this is the first application in this area of its type and there are a lot of car parks there that are vacant.”
Ms Fuller said it was a great outcome.
“I’m thrilled, I’ve made a massive emotional and financial investment in this business and in the belief that the area needs a wine and cocktail bar,” she said.
“It is a wonderful outcome for common sense – understanding for business owners has prevailed.”
Ms Fuller thanked the councillors, in particular Cr Ross and Cr Halligan.
She said there was still some red tape to get through before the operating hours would change.