Buchanan Road works

Grant and Angela Taylor think Buchanan Road is in need of urgent upgrades. 88680 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERSGrant and Angela Taylor think Buchanan Road is in need of urgent upgrades. 88680 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Lia Spencer
A BERWICK road causing problems for residents will be upgraded within a year.
Grant and Angela Taylor say Buchanan Road is in need of an urgent upgrade. The couple have been living in the area for two years and say it is difficult for them and their neighbours, as well as visitors, to drive or park on the street due to the terrible conditions of the road and the kerbside.
“There are no pathways and there are open ditches – it’s a huge safety issue,” Ms Taylor said.
“It’s also a massive parking issue. There is no safe place for visitors to park.”
Mr Taylor recently wrote a letter to the council stating his concerns.
“It is impossible to actually park on the road as there is little space to exit the vehicle on the passenger side, and if attempted you are likely to step into muddy, un-level gravel or fall into the open gutter and injure yourself,” Mr Taylor said in the letter.
“Exiting from the driver’s side of the vehicle is concerning as one is practically confronted with stepping out into the middle of the road avoiding oncoming vehicles.”
“People walking their dogs, mothers pushing their baby strollers, or those just power walking along Buchanan Road are forced to walk on the actual road. Oncoming vehicles have to drive carefully and veer around these pedestrians.”
The letter also said rubbish collection days were frustrating, as residents had nowhere to put their bins but in shallow ditches lining the roads.
City of Casey’s Manager of Engineering David Richardson said the council would be addressing residents’ concerns.
“Council can confirm that a footpath will be constructed on the west side of Buchanan Road to the Arch Brown Reserve this financial year,” Mr Richardson said.
“Council plans to meet with the property owners along Buchanan Road between Brisbane Street and Inglis Road, to determine their interest in a possible owner contribution scheme to upgrade of the street to include kerb, channel and a footpath along the east side, in the future.”