Rocked by roadworks


A YANNATHAN resident feels he has been put between a rock and a hard place after years of asking council to fix the drainage on his road.

But according to Arthur Caldecutt when council did finally take action on Edies Road, they only made the problem worse.

“Last winter was a shocker and there was water over the road several times,” Mr Caldecutt said.

“Then they cleaned the culvert out and there was no more water on the road.”

Mr Caldecutt would have been happy if council had stopped there but last week two graders descended on the road and caused havoc.

“They pulled the rocks out of the culvert and put them all over the road,” he said.

“It’s shocking. The people around here are irate about it.”

Mr Caldecutt said he was aware of four cars which had been damaged.

“There was a young girl who blew a tyre and nearly rolled her car,” he said.

“The rocks should never have been there.”

One woman took action into her own hands by picking up the rocks and loading them into a trailer, but Mr Caldecutt said she even had trouble lifting the monster-sized rocks.

Cardinia Shire Operations Team Leader Mark Howard said council was currently undertaking rehabilitation works along various sections of Edies Road.

Mr Howard said hazard warning signs had been placed to alert drivers to the roadworks.

“The signs will remain in place until the works have been completed. Council staff have conducted numerous inspections of this road and found no issues of concern,” he said.

“We encourage drivers to be mindful of signage and to match their speed to road conditions.”

Any drivers with vehicle damage can contact Cardinia Shire Customer Service on 1300 787 624 to request a claim compensation form which is the standard process, Mr Howard said.