Tide turns on ramp bid


THE Lang Lang Foreshore Committee has re-launched its bid for a boat ramp and jetty saying it will bring tourism to the region.

Bass MP Ken Smith has also shown his support for the project, saying the people of Lang Lang have waited long enough for the boat ramp and jetty since the old one was closed in 2006 because of its poor condition.

Foreshore committee vice-president Graham Ridsdale said a boat ramp would help put Lang Lang on the map.

“We’ve discussed it with Ken Smith and we’ve been to the angling clubs and associations,” Mr Ridsdale said.

“We are pushing for it.”

Mr Ridsdale said a boat ramp was more economical than a jetty and would be a lot more efficient for boat users.

“It’s also about bringing more tourism to the area,” he said. “I was speaking to someone in Drouin who said he would prefer to launch his boat in Lang Lang rather than Corinella.”

Mr Smith said he had been a supporter of the project since the old jetty was shut down.

“I have documentation in my office dating back prior to 2005 and as recently as this year in relation to the Lang Lang boat ramp and jetty,” he said.

“Lang Lang residents have been patient and have a very valid reason for the boat ramp to be replaced or a floating pontoon to be constructed to allow the community to enjoy their local beach with fishing and boating activities.”
Mr Smith agreed with the foreshore committee and said it would be a worthwhile community project.
“We really do need that ramp to be put in ASAP as was committed to by Parks Victoria and DSE when they removed the previous ramp because they allowed it to go into disrepair under the previous Labor Government,” he said.
“This project is long overdue and I have made it a priority to get the job done.”

Mr Ridsdale said the area would be surveyed on 5 December to assess the feasibility of putting in a boat ramp. He said more would be known after this assessment.