Fire escape route closes

By Russell Bennett

GEMBROOK residents are outraged over the closure of a potentially crucial bushfire escape route from the town.
Ure Road residents turned up in force to the Gembrook Township Committee’s 26 November meeting in protest of a Parks Victoria plan to close the road to through traffic.
The normal 10 to 12 person meeting swelled to around triple that size with residents venting their frustration and airing their bushfire safety fears.
The township committee moved to write to the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and Fire Services Commissioner Craig Lapsley urgently seeking the re-opening of Ure and Shepherds Creek Roads.
Township committee president David Nickell said it was as “an interim measure for this fire season, pending further discussion regarding the future status of the roads”.
Ure Road, seen as a second escape route to south from Gembrook, is now closed.
“It’s a significant issue for a large number of Ure Road residents,” Mr Nickell said.
A local Parks Victoria representative attended the meeting to help explain the situation. Mr Nickell said that was much appreciated “under the trying circumstances”.
“It’s safe to say there was a lot of anger and emotion at the meeting,” he said.
Cardinia Shire Council and Parks Victoria will also be copied in on the letter sent by the township committee.
Mr Nickell said the issue was brought to the committee’s attention after “limited consultation” about the closure with Ure Road residents.
The road is believed to be closed permanently, except for Parks management and emergency services traffic.
Mr Nickell said the local community also had concerns about anti-social behaviour on Ure Road with no through traffic to deter it.
There is already evidence of rubbish being dumped on the road, with an abandoned, smashed car along the roadside last week.
Mr Nickell said closing the end of the road provided more time for loitering and other anti-social behaviour.
When contacted by the Gazette, a Parks Victoria spokesman said Ure Road had been closed “due to its poor condition”.
“Parks Victoria intends to manage Ure Road as a road for authorised vehicles, horses, walkers and bicycles in accordance with the Recreation Framework for Bunyip Public Land,” he said.
Parks Victoria has proposed that the section of Ure Road now closed be incorporated into the Kurth Kiln Regional Park.
“We also appreciate that there is a great deal of public debate around the gazetting of this road, and will continue to discuss it with the community, DSE and Cardinia Shire Council,” the spokesman said.
The recent change in Ranges Ward Cardinia Shire councillors may have some impact on the road’s closure.