Stepping up to beat the blues

PLANS for a suicide awareness walk are making strides, with the date set for April.
Beaconhills College Pakenham student Jake Downward has been planning the walk since watching ABC’s Four Corners report in the suicide epidemic in the south-east last year.
Now with full support of his school, City of Casey Council and a State Government grant, Jake has been putting in the hours to see his dream come true.
“We’re aiming to promote positive mental health and show there is help out there,” he said.
Jake said he has seen people affected by suicide and just wants to spread the message that people don’t have to tackle issues alone and talking about it can help.
The ‘Stride for Life’ will kick off in Akoonah Park on 10am, and finish in Akoonah Park after the walkers stride up to three kilometres.
The walk will be followed with speeches about suicide prevention and displays by many suicide and depression services.
There will also be family fun activities.
For more information about the walk, contact Jake by emailing