Art of cashing in

I REFER to your recent article on the failure of the Cardinia Council to support a forthcoming art exhibition on the basis that it will take away from the Yakkerboo Art Show or is put on by a group from Casey.
There can never be enough art exhibitions in Cardinia and the attendance at art exhibitions has nothing to do with how many exhibitions are happening, for each and every art show is different and invites attendance on that very basis.
The council speaks of getting Cardinia on track economically with more investment and more jobs for locals – well, look at this.
The City of Bendigo last year, in one exhibition alone, generated $16 million for the local business community with the State Government contributing one per cent of that $16 million.
A small industrial town in Spain called Bilbao took a punt and built the Guggenheim Art Museum and now the world beats a path to its door.
The economic recovery of Pakenham and surrounds could well be led by an art-based focus.
It is not too late for the council to wake up.
Peter Hanning,
Upper Beaconsfield.