Off course

Mr Summers, I will reiterate once again, I only deal in facts and not sarcastic remarks.
More than happy to provide details from Mr Doug Evans – Manager of Governance Cardinia Council.
I emailed Mr Doug Evans on 18 December 2013 at 10.07am requesting information if Cr Collin Ross had claimed fuel cost while travelling to complete his diploma course during 2011-2013.
Mr Evan replied 20 December 2013 at 11.27am stating the following; “Cr Ross has claimed travel expenses to attend the Diploma Course”.
The question asked of Cr Collin Ross several times, of the $28,319.28 claimed in fuel expenses, how much was this attributed to travelling to obtain his ratepayer funded diploma course?
Cr Ross to date has remained completely silent and refuses to answered the question.
Cr Collin Ross, ratepayers deserve a response, can you respond?
Andrew McNabb,