The perfect show

WITH perfect weather on our side, the community came out in the thousands to enjoy the Berwick and District Agricultural Show at the weekend.
The City of Casey is proud to be a major sponsor of this much-loved annual event, which is the oldest agricultural show in Victoria, now in its 158th year.
Our experience over the weekend reinforced why we, as residents, have been flocking to the show for generations.
It was great to see the community come together to participate in or support everything on offer including agricultural and horticultural displays, healthy competition, live and local entertainment and, of course, the carnival.
There is a huge volunteer effort that goes into putting this fabulous community event together each year.
Members of the Berwick Show Society dedicate almost immeasurable amounts of time to planning and implementing every detail of this large-scale project that provides so many community benefits.
We also see so many local organisations and individuals offer up their time to help make the show a success.
From entertainers to stallholders to competition entrants (and their furry friends!), these volunteers contribute to the life and colour of the show.
On behalf of the City of Casey, we’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the event – however big or small – particularly the Berwick Show Society without whom the show would not go on.
As your ward councillors we were filled with pride as we experienced the remarkable outcome of the hard work of these volunteers which resulted in what we believe to be truly the best Berwick Show yet.
Crs Susan Serey and Mick Morland,
Edrington Ward,
City of Casey.