Clearer picture

In response to Cr Kate Lempriere letter Call For The Arts (Mail, 2 April).
Cr Lempriere calls upon the State Government for funding to the arts but is happy to spend $6900 plus of ratepayers’ money to complete a director’s course.
If Cr Kate had not spent $6900 plus on self-educating herself then maybe this money could have been directed towards the arts.
A petition has been started, Cr Kate. It calls upon the State Government to investigate the council’s mounting debt along with massive rate rises, plus the waste of public money on self-education, Christmas parties, booze bills and the reprint of the Connect Magazine in June/July ’07 (costing $14,000) to enlarge picture of Cr Kate!
Double standards Cr Kate?
Andrew McNabb,
Mary Leah,
Upper Beaconsfield,
Sack Cardinia Council Action Group.