We are amused

I READ with some interest and amusement Cr Kate Lempriere’s letter to the editor (Gazette, 7 May).
Cr Lempriere’s letter used very emotive words such as abuse and bullying. I was surprised the word racism was not included.
Cr Lempriere’s shallow letter did not address any of the concerns she has been made aware of by constituents.
I would be one of the “… select number of people in the Emerald Ranges Ward …” that she refers to in her letter, as I am part of the SCC action group that is concerned with the high level of debt the Cardinia Council is incurring.
Members of our group believe the council is heading towards insolvency – the disease being insolvency – the symptom being escalating rates for constituents.
All information published by this action group is from FoI. This is factual and cuts out any emotion, any meaningless, say-nothing rhetoric.
Feedback from constituents we have spoken to are not only outraged with their rate increases, but also lack of council activities in their area.
In this climate of massive Federal Budget deficit, it would be a good idea for councils to attract more scrutiny and accountability as constituents across the board lack confidence in their councils.
Mary Leah,
Upper Beaconsfield.