All about jobs

THE Gazette article ‘Flight of fancy’ (10 September) highlights the importance of growing local jobs. Only the Napthine Government has a clear vision to create jobs and investment in our region.
Central to this vision are projects such as:
1. The $2-2.5 billion Cranbourne Pakenham Rail Corridor Project, which will deliver 3000 new jobs and significantly improve rail capacity.
2. The East West Link, which will create 6200 jobs and drive economic growth by providing producers, growers and manufacturers from our region with a new route to market. The East West Link will assist commuters by providing a much-needed alternative to the M1 corridor.
3. The Port of Hastings, which will be a key economic driver for our region,creating employment and boosting freight and export capacity. The Napthine Government has provided $110 million to undertake the work required to plan this world-class project.
4. The possibility of a third airport, identified by the Napthine Government as part of Plan Melbourne, which would support thousands of jobs.
All of these key local economic drivers are opposed by Labor, demonstrating its lack of vision for the South East and Gippsland. Labor has said it will recklessly tear up the East West Link contract if elected. This would mean decades more congestion,would sacrifice 6200 jobs, and would tell the world Victoria is closed for business.
Labor’s port alternative, Bay West, risks serious environmental damage and will require blasting at the heads and enormous dredging of Port Phillip Bay.
Labor’s lack of understanding of the issues facing our region is not surprising when so many Labor candidates and MPs have little connection to the electorates they wish to represent, with one even living on the other side of Melbourne.
Only the Napthine Government can be trusted to deliver major infrastructure projects that will secure employment opportunities for our community and build a better Victoria.
Brad Battin MP,
Member for Gembrook;
Brian Paynter,
Candidate for Bass;
Edward O’Donohue MLC,
Member for Eastern Victoria Region.