Tactical tactless

HAVING had the privilege of being a local government councillor for 13 years and serving two terms as mayor at the former City of Sandringham before amalgamations, and as a commissioner for the City of Yarra, I was dumbfounded to read the article Ross Makes Tactical Shift (Gazette, 10 September).
In the article Cr Ross states “when I spoke on behalf of myself as a councillor, I was not answerable to anyone”.
Cr Ross, may I remind you that you are elected by the residents to represent us, you are elected to be the voice of your ward residents and you are accountable to our community.
Residents in Cardinia shire should be outraged and disappointed that you believe you are not answerable to them.
I trust those looking to the upcoming state election will consider your statement when deciding their vote.
To then continue with your views in the article to say “I am now part of a party and part of a team, if I say something stupid Daniel Andrews is going to be asked about it.” Really, your view is you are now part of a team.
You should be worried about saying something stupid that will affect the community, not Dictaphone Dan.
Yes, your back room Labor mates do deals to get you preselected but it is the community that elects you.
You should be a voice for us, not them. Very disappointing.
Carmen Dainton (previously Watson),