Safety first

I AM pleased to inform Cardinia residents that the Napthine Coalition Government has provided almost $400,000 in crime prevention funding across the municipality since 2011.
This money has been used to fund 18 diverse crime prevention projects, from the Bourke Park upgrade in Pakenham, to improved lights, locks and alarm systems on a number of valuable community facilities, as well as funding to tackle the scourge of graffiti.
The key to these projects is that they were proposed by people in your community to solve safety problems in your community. The Coalition Government’s crime prevention philosophy is to listen and facilitate, not dictate.
I take this opportunity to commend your local Liberal MPs and candidates – Brad Battin, Ken Smith, Mark Verschuur and Brian Paynter – for their fierce advocacy of these projects on behalf of residents and the community.
The Cardinia community should also be aware that Daniel Andrews has removed the crime prevention portfolio from Labor’s front bench. Only a re-elected Coalition Government is promising to continue funding great community safety projects such as these in the next term of government.
Edward O’Donohue,
Crime Prevention Minister,