Growl over frogs

ANYONE driving along the Princes Freeway from Nar Nar Goon towards Melbourne in recent times could be excused for thinking that the Growling Grass Frogs had ‘stormed the barricades’, such is the dilapidated, and sometimes non-existent state of the mesh fence.
Mr Stasinos’s (VicRoads) comments would indicate that the poor condition of the fence is a recent occurrence, when in fact it’s been falling down (or been damaged) for years.
Oh! By the way I haven’t noticed any environmental group working bees repairing the fence – maybe they aren’t permitted to and would rather just write letters to the paper or ring ‘talkback’ radio. It seems constructing the fence in the first place was a bit of a joke. Perhaps the frogs have had the last ‘croak’,depending on whether or not they have been ‘squished’ on the freeway.
Ken Milsom,