On your bikes

WE WOULD like to record our vigorous support for Cr Tania Baxter’s campaign to encourage the connection of living, working and shopping areas in all suburbs, new and old. It is a lot easier to organise such a network in the planning stage, and also easier to command the allocation of development costs at that time.
We do need to encourage movement of people on foot or bicycle as an alternative to the motor car, in order to reduce reliance on that all too easy form of transport.
We need pathways in order to improve our health, and to improve our environment.
In the UK, my country of origin, there is an enormous and comprehensive network of such pathways, with right of way across much of the rural landscape, and
these public footpaths, mostly dating from the middle ages, are still much loved and much used. It would be nice to think that the current generation in Australia will be able to leave a similar legacy for our children and grandchildren.
So, thanks and congratulations Cr Baxter for your efforts on behalf of us all, and our descendants.
David Fox-Smith,